Friday, November 8, 2013

Monogram Phone Cover

I finally upgraded my cell phone this week, after I broke the other beyond repair. Almost three years with an iPhone was well worth. I needed to get a new case quick, before I dropped the new iPhone. Verizon is having a buy one get one (BOGO) sale on the iPhone 5 Lifeproof cases right now. So, I decided to get it even though it doesn't allow for the finger scanner. I would have loved to have one of the cases monogrammed, but didn't want to pay well over $100 for the case. This is where my lovely Silhouette Cameo came into play. I measured the space on the back of the phone, and quickly cut a vinyl monogram out to use on the back. So simple. :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Tailgate Cooler

Have I told you how much I love my Silhouette Cameo? Well, I LOVE it! It is definitely a craft tool that every person can use. My husbands oldest daughter loves UGA, so I decided to make her UGA themed cooler. Now, I did not do the Georgia "G," we bought the cooler from Wal-Mart with the symbol already on there. 

Vinyl color of choice
Silhouette Cameo (or you can buy pre-cut vinyl at any craft store)
mod podge
paint sponge brush

First off, I used the Silhouette to make the vinyl dots and monogram. I initally tried just sticking the vinyl on the cooler, but it did not adhere so well. Next, I tried laying the cooler down, placing the vinyl where I wanted it, and then mod lodging it... it was an epic fail too. The mod podge peeled right off once it was dry on the areas where there was no vinyl, and made the cooler look terrible. So, I re-cut the vinyl again (but used smaller circles this time... not shown in pictures :/). I individually put mod podge on the back of each circle and the monogram which did the trick.  These pictures of the cooler attempt before I redid it without brushing mod podge everywhere. 

Just remember to only put mod podge on the back on the circles and monogram. DO NOT mod podge the entire cooler.!

Now, she will be ready for some UGA tailgating. :) 

Happy Crafting!